An effective method of treatment of gum disease – gingivitis and paradontitis.
Curettage of paradontal pockets is done to remove tooth tartar, plaque and pathologically changes soft tissues under the gums, which are impossible to remove during cleaning.
Smoothening of the surfaces of tooth roots helps fortify the gums to surfaces and reduces the depths of pockets.
Curettage in dentistry is used as one of the surgical treatments of periodontitis.
Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the tissues surrounding the tooth and keeping it in the bone tissue. Despite the development of the preventive dentistry, after 35-40 years the prevalence of this disease reaches almost 100 %, among which about 20-40 % of cases are severe.
The development of inflammation in periodontal tissues is affected by many factors, including insufficient oral hygiene, sharp edges of fillings, vitamin deficiency, irrational diet, smoking, occupational hazards and adverse environmental conditions, stress and hereditary predisposition, lack of properly restored contact points between the teeth.
The most important factor is the action of the microbial factor, dental deposits and the initial stage of gum inflammation without appropriate treatment. An additional condition for the development of periodontitis may be disturbed circulation, as well as various disorders of the dentition.
Periodontitis can be acute and chronic, local and generalized. There is also mild, moderate and severe periodontitis.
The most common symptoms of the disease are itching, bleeding, hypersensitivity and loose gums, discomfort while chewing, pain. In later stages, the necks of teeth are exposed and become sensitive, mobility and loosening of teeth appear. In neglected cases, periodontitis may result in the loss of one or more teeth.
Treatment depends on the disease severity and includes non-surgical and surgical methods.
At the same time, quality and regular home care is very important.
Indications and contraindications
Surgical methods, including gingival curettage, are used for moderate and severe chronic periodontitis, when deep gum pockets need to be cleaned.
Gingival curettage can be open or close.
Its purpose is a complete cleaning of the periodontal pocket from pathological contents. Granulations, subgingival calculus, damaged dental cement, accumulations of microorganisms (subgingival plaques) are removed.
Close curettage is performed when it is necessary to clean periodontal pockets up to 4-5 mm deep. This is a classic method. However, it does not always allow to completely remove subgingival dental deposits, damaged dental cement or mucous membrane overgrowth, since the surgeon does not have a sufficient view of the surgical site.
Open curettage is a type of subgingival curettage which provides a clean cut wound on the inner surface of the gingival wall of the periodontal pocket, which facilitates its healing and further scarring of the pocket.
Contraindications to close curettage of periodontal pockets:
- - acute inflammation in the surgical site,
- - abscess,
- - too thin pocket walls,
- - depth of pockets more than 5 mm,
- - increased tooth mobility,
- - abnormal tooth position,
- - acute infections, severe concomitant diseases.
Post-procedure care
After the procedure, bleeding and swelling are possible which usually disappear within 24 hours. To reduce these manifestations, ice is applied to the cheek for 2-3 hours after the surgery at intervals of 15 minutes.
Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers and antibiotics to prevent infection. You need to drink a lot.
Within several days after curettage, soft food at a comfortable temperature is recommended; it is recommended to avoid smoking, alcohol and heavy physical exertion.
You need to brush your teeth carefully without touching the wound area, rinse your mouth with warm water after each meal. The stitches are usually removed after 7-14 days. After that, a compulsory medical check-up and training in the skills for individual home hygiene are needed.
Curettage is an effective surgical method which stops the progression of periodontitis and save teeth.
Porcelain Features
Our paradontologists conduct a comprehensive procedure aimed at reducing inflammation of the gums. This allows for stopping the process of decay of bones in the case of paradontitis.
Precise control on the part of our doctor–we register the status of the gums and track the dynamics of changes.
Now dental clinics strive to ensure that the treatment will be not only effective and safe, but also comfortable for the patient.
Modern methods of anesthesia can provide complete analgesia, but sometimes they cannot cope with the fear of treatment or tooth extraction. Dental treatment with sedation is a comfortable solution to such issues.
Regular cleaning of teeth is a compulsory procedure for children, which will help remove plaque and avoid serious diseases of the oral cavity.
1. How many times do I have to do curettage?
Curettage in most cases is a one-time procedure. It depends on the depth of periodontal pockets.
2. What is the difference between open and closed curettage?
The open curettage differs from the closed only by the fact that during it, the gingival flap is expanded to achieve greater efficiency.
3. How long does curettage last?
The duration of the curettage procedure depends on the complexity of the situation (depth of pockets) and the number of teeth involved in the inflammatory processes. On average, the procedure lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.
4. Will I be able to smile and work the next day? What food can I eat? How long does it take to heal gums after curettage?
The next day after the procedure (closed curettage) the patient does not experience any unpleasant sensations. After the closed curettage for the first 3 days you cannot eat dry, hard food (crackers, chips, nuts). The next day after the open curettage, the patient may feel discomfort in the gums from the stitches, but gums themselves do not usually disturb you. The entering of traumatic, hard food to operated areas is unwanted. After the intervention, the doctor prescribes certain hygiene products (soft brush, toothpaste with antiseptic, rinse solution). Germs heal during 7-10 days after the procedure.
5. Is medical support possible?
Medical support is possible during any of the above procedures.